Top Tips for looking after Dogs

Here are 10 Top Tips on how to look after dogs

  1. Chocolate, grapes, xylitol (artificial sweetener found in sugar free chewing gum) and macadamia nuts are all poisonous to dogs.
  2. Puppies have growing bones and so exercise should be restricted until they are fully grown. To help them grow properly it is a good idea to feed them on a quality puppy diet, specially formulated with higher levels of calcium, protein and other essential ingredients to help them develop into a healthy adult.
  3. Dogs use their tails to help them communicate with people and other dogs.
  4. For a new puppy the first night in his new home must be very traumatic, try leaving the radio on at night to give him or her company.
  5. Dogs can detect sounds far beyond the upper limit of humans and they also have mobile ears which allows them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound.
  6. Dogs are really good at sniffing; the part of the brain that is associated with smell, the olfactory bulb, is roughly forty times bigger in a dog than in a human, relative to total brain size.
  7. Some dogs need a lot more exercise than others, think about their needs, and how this would fit into your lifestyle before getting your new puppy.
  8. The dogs coat is normally made up of coarse guard hairs and beneath this soft down hairs.
  9. It is sensible to neuter your pet dog. In males this decreases unwanted male characteristics, and decreases the likelihood of testicular cancer, whilst in females it lowers the incidence of mammary or uterine cancer.
  10. A puppy can be infected with intestinal roundworms before it is even born, as well as pick up more worms via the milk, it is important to worm your new puppy regularly to eliminate these worms.

Top Tips for looking after Dogs

Here are 10 Top Tips on how to look after dogs

  1. Chocolate, grapes, xylitol (artificial sweetener found in sugar free chewing gum) and macadamia nuts are all poisonous to dogs.
  2. Puppies have growing bones and so exercise should be restricted until they are fully grown. To help them grow properly it is a good idea to feed them on a quality puppy diet, specially formulated with higher levels of calcium, protein and other essential ingredients to help them develop into a healthy adult.
  3. Dogs use their tails to help them communicate with people and other dogs.
  4. For a new puppy the first night in his new home must be very traumatic, try leaving the radio on at night to give him or her company.
  5. Dogs can detect sounds far beyond the upper limit of humans and they also have mobile ears which allows them to rapidly pinpoint the exact location of a sound.
  6. Dogs are really good at sniffing; the part of the brain that is associated with smell, the olfactory bulb, is roughly forty times bigger in a dog than in a human, relative to total brain size.
  7. Some dogs need a lot more exercise than others, think about their needs, and how this would fit into your lifestyle before getting your new puppy.
  8. The dogs coat is normally made up of coarse guard hairs and beneath this soft down hairs.
  9. It is sensible to neuter your pet dog. In males this decreases unwanted male characteristics, and decreases the likelihood of testicular cancer, whilst in females it lowers the incidence of mammary or uterine cancer.
  10. A puppy can be infected with intestinal roundworms before it is even born, as well as pick up more worms via the milk, it is important to worm your new puppy regularly to eliminate these worms.